Category Archives: News & Events

Group bicycle ride

Generations Bike Ride

July 26, 10 a.m.
St Germain Pavilion on Hwy 70

Join Cookie Lough and Debby Wilson for a bicycle ride on the paved bike trail in and around St
Germain. The trail is relatively flat except for a few rolling hills. If you wish, bring a sack lunch
for a picnic after the ride at the pavilion.
We hope to see you there for some fun outdoor exercise and an opportunity to socialize with
other Generations members. Please plan to wear a helmet and be sure your bike is in good
operating condition. If you plan to ride, please call Cheryl at 715-356-9118 to let us know to
expect you.

Tai Chi Classes sign-up now open

Tai Chi for Strength and Balance Classes
Instructor: Sue Saeger, certified Tai Chi for Arthritis instructor.
Class dates: Thursdays for 6 weeks beginning July 28.
Time and Place: 3 p.m. at the Senior Center.
Suggested donation to the Senior Center: $12 for members,
$15 for non-members for 6 classes.
To sign up please call Cheryl at the Senior Center office at