Category Archives: News & Events

July 2021 Fundraiser with Brandy Lake BP

This fundraising will go towards meeting Generation’s phase one goal of $1.5M to break ground. Thank you for your support!

Download Order Forms: Generations July Fundraiser Updated

Order Forms and payments due by July 23, 2021

Pick-Up Date: July 30, 2021 at Brandy Lake BP

If you are not available on July 30, no problem! Stop by after June 11 to pick up your wine. ID verification for this purchase will be completed at pick-up. Tax is included in price.

Order forms may be turned in to Generations or Brandy Lake BP. Please make checks payable to Brandy Lake BP. Order forms and checks can be mailed to the PO Box listed below:

Brandy Lake BP
Mailing Address: PO Box 338 Mosinee, WI 54455
211 US-51
Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin 54568

About the Products Available: In 2006, Nick Quint told people that he wanted to come out of retirement at age 61 and build Madison’s first Distillery. People laughed at him, including the people at the bank. But despite people’s discouragement, Quint’s business savvy told him that the demand for micro distilleries might mirror the demand and growth microbreweries had experienced in the early 2000s. Although YB spirits can be found in places like Miami and Las Vegas, the company has not forgotten its local roots. Madison will always be YB’s home. YB spirits are still crafted one batch at a time, using local ingredients. Labels are often hand applied and some are even signed by the head distiller.

Black Ridge wine has not even hit our shelf yet! You will be the first to have this amazing wine! Choose from Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, Moscato, or Chardonnay!


Upcoming: Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class

Upcoming: Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class

Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Online Virtual Workshop
Wednesdays, June 9 – July 14, 2021
10 a.m. – Noon

Class topics include:

  • Taking care of you
  • Reducing personal stress
  • Communicating effectively in challenging situations
  • Making tough care-giving decisions
  • Hiring in-home help
  • Making a decision about a care facility
  • Making decisions about driving
  • Recognizing and responding to depression
  • Working with memory impaired elders
  • It is a fully researched course taught by certified instructors.
  • Very positive feed back from individuals who have completed the course.
  • Class meets once a week for six weeks. Classes are 2 hours each.
  • For family caregivers. Open to caregivers of any age. No restrictions on the type of illness or age of the person they are caring for.
  • Class size limited to 12 participants. Pre-registration required.
  • Must have at least 5 participants to hold a class.

Call 715-479-3625 or 800-374-1123 to register today.

COVID 19 Vaccination Information for Oneida County Residents

COVID 19 Vaccination Information for Oneida County Residents

For the most up to date and current information on COVID 19 Vaccination availability and process to request a vaccination appointment, please refer to the following Oneida County Health Department Press Releases.

This information is provided as a courtesy and should always be verified by visiting the original source.

To view all OCHD Press Releases visit:

Link to Press Release 1/21/21:

Link to Press Release 1/19/21:

Content from Press Release on 1/21/2021:

January 21, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccine for Adults 65 and over
We are happy to announce on January 19, 2021, the State of Wisconsin announced that adults 65 and older will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine beginning January 25, 2021.

Oneida County Health Department (OCHD), in coordination with community partners, will begin
providing vaccinations to this group beginning next week. We are planning up to three clinics per week depending on our weekly vaccine allocation from the state. Our local healthcare systems and pharmacies will also be helping provide these vaccinations. We continue to work to coordinate our efforts to vaccinate our county residents as safely and efficiently as possible. We ask that you please check with those sources for their specific updates.

One factor in how we conduct the vaccine clinics will be the availability of the vaccine. From the Public Health Department perspective, we believe we can provide up to 3000 per week. Two doses of the vaccine are required to get the best results. The 3000 vaccines will include approximately 1500 second doses administered. Although we are planning weeks in advance, we are only able to order vaccine doses week to week. This means that despite our planning efforts, things could change weekly. We will continue to evaluate and adjust our processes as we learn more about how things are working. We appreciate your patience.

OCHD is using an online scheduling system to coordinate our efforts. Please go to and click on the COVID-19 registration link at the top of the page.

Please only register to receive vaccine from one entity. Do not register with OCHD and your provider. This will cause issues with supply, left over or wasted vaccine or using a slot that someone else could have used. If you do not have access to the internet, you can call 715-401-4150. We strongly encourage you to use the online registration, as this is the fastest and easiest way to register.

Marshfield Clinic Healthcare System
Visit to complete a survey for the COVID-19 vaccine or call 877-998-0880.
If you qualify, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment.

Visit to schedule the vaccine. 

Contact your local provider. or visit:

Your local pharmacy
Contact your local pharmacist.

As vaccination begins and information about vaccine availability for other phases becomes available, OCHD will provide this information. There are no wait lists being formed for vaccines in future phases. People are encouraged to stay up to date on vaccine information by monitoring the Oneida County Health Department website ( or Facebook page (

This is a rapidly evolving situation and information may change. To read the latest information about COVID-19 check the Oneida County Health Department website ( or Facebook page (, the Department of Health Services (DHS) website ( and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website (

Winter 2021 Chair Yoga Series

Winter Chair Yoga Series 

Learn the Image courtesy of: principals of breath and movement using a chair for support in seated and standing postures. This class is suitable for beginners who are interested in gaining more flexibility, reducing stress, and improving your overall wellness. Wear comfortable clothing and feel free to bring your own blanket.

Instructor:  Sarah Kemp

2 Sessions on Wednesday’s: 9-10am & 10-11am

Class dates: Jan. 13th, 20th, 27th, Feb. 3rd, 17th, 24th, Mar. 3rd & 10th

Suggested donation to the Senior Center: $5 each session

To sign up please call Cheryl at the Senior Center office at 715-356-9118


Tax Preparation Assistance Changes

Tax Preparation Assistance Program Changes in 2021. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the AARP Tax Assistance Program will NOT take place at Generations Senior Center, the ADRC Center in Rhinelander or at the Minocqua Library this year.

We encourage you to seek assistance from a family member or a professional tax preparer. We thank you for your understanding.